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Review of His and Hers Engraved 40oz tumblers

Review of His and Hers Engraved 40oz tumblers


Availability: In Stock (8)

Mfg Part Number: TFS59 Manufacturer: Tactical Firearms Supply

Review of His and Hers Engraved 40oz tumblers

Messy Buns and Loaded Guns 40oz Tumbler with handle

Raising Wolves, not Sheep 40oz Tumbler with handle

******************************8 seats at $20******************************

How Reviews work:

We pick products (guns, ammo, optics, knives, etc) to Review, take the price with tax (sometimes we don't build tax into the Review Seat so it'll be charges at checkout) and shipping and divide it by the number of 'Review Seats" in order to determine the cost per Review Seat. We post items we are Reviewing on our FB and ITFT Armory page. If you haven't already registered on the website, you will need to do that too. As a customer you would select the Review you want to purchase, place it in your cart and checkout like you would on any other online store.

Once you have purchased the Review seat, you now have a chance to win the product at a fraction of the actual price. Once you made your purchase leave a comment in the FB post of how many Review Seats are left. When all the Review Seats are sold out, we will post a date and time we will do the Review (check the Event list for dates) When we do the Review, you can join us in the shop to watch it LIVE and we also do it LIVE on social media if you aren't available to be present.  

At the end of the Review, everyone who purchased a Review Seat will be entered and a winner will be randomly drawn to win the product Reviewed at no extra cost. ( transfer fees from other FFLs is out of our hands, but we transfer and ship for free).  You do not have to be present or watch to win, which you will be notified via social media, email, etc. Purchasing a Review Seat does NOT guarantee you will win. This is a fun way to learn about new products.

Review of His and Hers Engraved 40oz tumblers
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